Commercial Building Repair: The Highest ROI on Commercial Property Renovation

When completing any type of commercial building repair, it is important that you know what type of return on investment (ROI) you will get. While not all repairs are going to boost the value of your building, some are. If you have the option of doing an extra commercial property renovation now and again, you should opt for the ones that have the highest ROI possible. Here are some of the most valuable projects to consider.

commercial building repair needed for commercial property renovationConsider What You Walk On

One of the commercial building repair projects to consider is flooring. This can be a necessary repair if the flooring was damaged, but it can also be an optional commercial renovation to make your building look nicer. What you want is a flooring that is going to look great, and also be very long-lasting. Many opt for wood floors, but you can also go with tile, stone, or even custom cement. This can be one of the more expensive renovations, but the return on your investment is going to be high, so consider it before moving on to other projects that may not return as much.

Don’t Overlook the Outside of the Building

beautiful landscaping increases roi in commercial property renovationAnother area where you can get a higher ROI on your commercial building repair project is to upgrade the exterior of the building. The more upgrades you do to the building’s exterior, the easier the building is to maintain. This helps cut costs, and makes the building have a more modern appeal. This can increase any rent you get for the space as well.

When you upgrade the exterior of the building, you should also add to the landscaping. This is another great ROI commercial property renovation to undertake. It does not need to cost a lot, but it should make the building look well maintained. Even a small border around the building with easy to maintain plants can do a lot to make the building look better.

Lighting is Another Great Commercial Building Repair Project

When you look at the lighting inside your commercial property, could it use a little improvement? Do you need to turn on every light in the space to see when it gets dark outside? Then you may want to upgrade the lighting. Consider upgrading your ceiling fixtures to brighter, but modern fixtures. Then, where the space allows, add in some wall sconces or fixtures that add both personality and light to any given space. That way, you can be sure that you have plenty of light in the space, no matter who is using it.

If you want help with your commercial building repair project, reach out to the experienced professionals here at MEP Painting & Wallcoverings Inc. We can help with any size commercial project, and will help you get the most ROI possible. We are experts at commercial property renovation projects, and can help you plan out your project from the beginning. Call us today to find out how we can help!
